Prigó del Rei

Located about 2 km from the town of Alcalá de Xivert, alongside the paved road off to the right of Calle Barón de Alcahalí, we come across a monolith, a slender spindle in the shape of a truncated four-sided pyramid, resting on a square pedestal.

The total height of the structure is 4.30 m. At about one third of the way from the top, upon each face there is a cartouche with an inscription.
This structure was erected in the exact place where Carlos IV, King of Spain, made a wager while participating in a hunt organized in his honor, owing to the visit the monarch made to the town, accompanied by his wife and children.

It was later remarked that his majesty lived up to his reputation as a good hunter; he needed only four shots to bag four partridges and a hare.